Dr. Johanna Barbara Sattler can look back on 16 years of experience as director of the Erste deutsche Beratungs- und Informationsstelle für Linkshänder und umgeschulte Linkshänder (First Consulting and Information Center in Germany for Left-handers and Converted Left-handers). The center’s work includes the exchange of ideas and experiences with teachers, ergotherapists and mototherapists, experts in the field of medical pedagogy, and social pedagogs. This prompted her to compile the novel and unique trilogy offering practical aid for left-handed children and their parents, educators, teachers and therapists, and also guidance for converted left-handers wishing to reconvert themselves back to their naturally dominant hand.
About, the story of the book´s jacket see the article of Article: Saal, Kathleen, Lefties have rights, too! In: Munich Found. Winter 1996/97.
Auer Verlag, Donauwörth, 1996, 13th edition 2017, ISBN 3-403-02778-3, 150 pages
More details in the foreword to the book Professor Dr. Angelika Speck-Hamdan.
© Copyright: Consulting and Information Center for Left-handers and Converted Left-handers
(Erste deutsche Beratungs- und Informationsstelle für Linkshänder und umgeschulte Linkshänder)
Sendlinger Str. 17, D – 80331 Munich (München), Germany / Europe, Tel./ Fax: +49 / 89 / 26 86 14
https://lefthander-consulting.org, e-mail: info@lefthander-consulting.org