Close cooperation in the field of research about handedness, about knowledge about the chances and risks of reconverting the handedness back to the naturally dominant hand.
Examinations and tests are made to determine the handedness; guidance is offered to children and adults; contacts to other experts are procured.
Another focal point is to continually inform the public, a measure aimed at preventing the conversion of handedness.
Our information work is not only aimed at the persons affected. The findings obtained by the Consulting Center and by the research projects carried out in cooperation with the Center must be conveyed to other professional groups, such as medical doctors, ergotherapists, experts in medical pedagogy, and mototherapists, to teachers, educators, psychologists and social pedagogs to become an integral part of their knowledge. This is done by means of training courses and lectures and also through articles and by arranging contacts among experts.
The activities of the Erste deutsche Beratungs- und Informationsstelle für Linkshänder und umgeschulte Linkshänder (First Consulting and Information Center for Left-handers and Converted Left-handers in Germany) also resulted in the book “Das linkshändige Kind in der Grundschule” (The Left-Handed Child in Elementary School). It was compiled at the request of the Bayerische Kultusministerium für Unterricht, Kultus, Wissenschaft und Kunst (Bavarian Ministry of Education, Culture, Science, and Art) and published by the Staatsinstitut für Schulpädagogik und Bildungsforschung (State Institute for Pedagogy and Educational Research). In 1993 the education offices distributed the book to all Bavarian elementary school. It was also offered to other countries of the Federal German Republic, where it is now in use. The book has been on sale since 1993. The experience gleaned at the Consulting Center has also been incorporated in the new Bavarian curricula (2000/2001) where they refer to left-handedness.
© Copyright: Consulting and Information Center for Left-handers and Converted Left-handers
(Erste deutsche Beratungs- und Informationsstelle für Linkshänder und umgeschulte Linkshänder)
Sendlinger Str. 17, D – 80331 Munich (München), Germany / Europe, Tel./ Fax: +49 / 89 / 26 86 14, e-mail: