First German Consulting and Information Center for left-handers and Converted Left-handers
Sendlinger Str. 17
D-80331 München
Tel./Fax 089 / 26 86 14
Award of the Toy of the Year 2005 for Left-Handed Children
to the firm
for the card game SOLO
amigo Spiel + Freizeit GmbH.
All the playing cards of the game SOLO are designed so that left-handers as well as right-handers can see the symbols in the corners without any problems. Even today, there are producers who do not give much thought to the problems of left-handers. We are particularly pleased that the firm Amigo has taken the needs of left-handers into account in its complete product range. We would like to honour this consistent, innovative and well thought-out approach.
These are the reasons why we are making the award to the firm for the card game SOLO
Toy of the Year 2005 for Left-Handed Children
As left-handers take and play cards with the left hand and hold them in the right hand, it is particularly important that they can see the small corner symbols on both the right and left-hand sides. Only in this way is it possible for left-handers to see what the cards are at first glance and to take part at the same tempo as other players.
Description of Solo – one of the most popular games in the world!
The way the game goes would be quite simple, were it not for some built in hazards: “new action” cards, which always provide surprises. Whether someone has to prolong the game or abandon it, whether the game direction is changed, or the cards serve as Jokers – for entertainment everything is provided with Solo, the exciting variation on the game Mau-Mau.
How to play Solo

- Every player receives eight cards. In turn, each player must put down a card: the same colour on the same colour or the same number on the same number.
- Playing out of turn is allowed. If a player has exactly the same card in his hand as the top card exposed on the pile, he can very quickly put it down.
- If someone puts down an action card, the direction of play can change (this accommodates left-handed players, who may prefer, according to their nature, the game direction to be opposite to that at the start), or two players must swap their cards or someone must draw for cards.
- If a player only has one card left, they must shout Solo.
- As soon as a player puts down their last card, that round finishes. This player gets no points. All the other players receive negative points for the cards they have remaining.
- Whoever has the least minus points at the end is the winner.
Amigo Spiel + Freizeit GmbH, Waldstr. 23–D5, D-63128 Dietzenbach,
Tel. 0 60 74 / 37 55 – 0, Fax 0 60 74 / 37 55 – 166, E-mail:
© Copyright: Consulting and Information Center for Left-handers and Converted Left-handers
(Erste deutsche Beratungs- und Informationsstelle für Linkshänder und umgeschulte Linkshänder)
Sendlinger Str. 17, D – 80331 Munich (München), Germany / Europe, Tel./ Fax: +49 / 89 / 26 86 14, e-mail: